Wait! 8 Things To Consider Before You Buy A Bassinet

When I chose Plum’s bassinet, I was certain it was what I wanted.

My last-trimester-crappy-feeling-self just wanted to make a solid choice, as quickly as possible, and get it over with.

But, after I bought it, something happened; I started to notice a bunch of really neat bassinets that I hadn’t come across during my search. They had all the bells and whistles.

Suddenly, I wasn’t so sure that I’d picked the right bassinet. But it was already home, and assembled, so I brushed the thought aside.

This is a photo of a women in her bed, holding her infants hand while right next to her in his bassinet. It's in an article about how to choose your baby's bassinet.
The bassinet I chose for Plum (here’s what I though about it).

Now, here I am to share a few things for you to think about, so you can choose your baby’s bassinet with confidence. This is the list, I wish I had.

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In Review: Baby Gym with Kick Piano

As a first-time mom, I had never heard of a baby gym, and I’m from a family full of littles.

I’d learn that it’s an arch with hanging toys that helps:

  • with baby’s visual perception
  • them reach for and grasp objects
  • them understand cause and effect

So, I decided to try one.

Now, here I am to share my thoughts.

Our Overall Experience

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In Review: The Arms Reach Clear-Vue™ CO-SLEEPER® Bassinet

A mom holding her baby's hand as she lies in her bed and he in his Arm's Reach Clear Vue Co-sleeper Bassinet. In Review.

One year.

That’s how long its been since I decided to get the Arms Reach Clear-Vue Co-Sleeper Bassinet for my baby, Plum.

In that year, I’ve used it and had plenty of time to cement my thoughts on it.

So, if you’re considering getting this bassinet, or just want to know more about it, we’ll get into: why I picked it, the bassinet and it’s features, our experience with it (Plum & I), the two things I didn’t like about it, good reasons to consider one, and finally, we’ll wrap everything up.

Lets get into it.

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5 Simple Tips To Help You Get Into Reading

Outside of a dog, a book is man’s best friend. Inside of a dog, it’s too dark to read. ~Groucho Marx

Not a reader but want to give it a shot?

Then this is for you.

Let’s get into not one, but FIVE tips for giving reading a fair shake.

A curly-haired, brown-skinned woman wearing a black hat sits cross-legged on a leather sofa reading a book. The is a wall of books behind her. An Article: Tips tto Help You Get Into Reading.

Tip #1: Keep An Open Mind

You and reading may not have had the best relationship in the past and that’s ok. What matters now is that you’re wanting to give it a shot.

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REVISITED: My 2020 Reading Goals. How Did I Do?

Tis’ the season for looking back.

As we make our way through the last week of 2020, many of us are making New Years resolutions, reviewing the year gone by, and charting course for where to go from this point forward.

With that said, I’d like to look back too, at one thing in particular: my 2020 reading goals.

So, how’d I do?

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I Read Horror? “The Library At Mount Char” by Scott Hawkins



I read The Library At Mount Char and it was…a time.

But before we get into my thoughts on it, let me preface them by saying that The Library At Mount Char is not a bad book. Really, it’s not.

Alrighty, now that that’s out of the way, let’s talk about it.

This was Spooky Season book attempt #2 (here’s # 1, in case you missed it).

I was looking for a story that would scare the daylights out of me, and this one seemed like a good fit after I saw it mentioned on one of those “Scariest Books” lists.

In the Library At Mount Char, we follow Carolyn, one of 12 siblings who live with Father in his curious Library.

But there’s a problem: no one has seen or heard from him in far longer than normal. Now, they’re beginning to worry.

So Carolyn takes it upon herself to figure out just what’s going on.

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I Read Horror: “Cyclops Road” by Jeff Strand

It’s early morning.

Half-awake, I amble out of my room, walk over to my bookshelves, and stand facing them. I run my eyes over the titles, and pull down Cyclops Road, a current read.

I’ll finish this one today.

I move to the blinds, opening them. Soft light fills the space. I curl up on the love-seat; cover my legs with a small throw; click my portable heater’s knob to ON, bask in it’s warmth; and dive in.

Cyclops Road is a story about a man who accompanies a woman across the country. She is on a mission to slay a cyclops. He doesn’t believe it exists. But, he’s curious – about this woman, and the “cyclops” too.

Besides, he could use an adventure after the blow life has recently dealt him. Or distraction, perhaps.

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I Read “The Ten Loves of Nishino”…Should You?

The Ten Loves of Nishino is a short Literary Fiction novel about ten women who fall in love with the same man over the course of his life.

Sounds interesting enough, right?

But, should you read it?

Let’s find out.

The answer might be yes, IF –

1. You’re Okay With Non-Linear Narratives

Does it bug you when a story is told non-sequentially? If so, do yourself a solid and skip this one.

Though, this might be a contender if you favor, or are unbothered by, non-linear narratives.

2. You Don’t Mind Multi-Perspective Stories

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How To Attack Credit Card Debt: 0% APR Balance Transfer Cards vs Personal Loans

On my journey to paying off credit card debt, I’ve tried both 0% APR Balance Transfer Cards and a Personal Loan.

Today, I’d like to share a bit about each of these options as it pertains to attacking credit card debt.

I’ll start off by sharing some information about the option. Then I’ll give some pros, and maybe some cons. After that, I’ll share a few things to consider, followed by a couple of suggestions. And finally, I’ll give some feedback for which option could be best for you.

Please bear in mind that I am not a Financial Adviser, or specialist. I’m simply sharing things I’ve learned along my personal journey to eliminating credit card debt.

Let’s get into it.

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