Happy New Year, Buds!
The clock has struck 12, the ball has dropped, and now, we’re getting ready to do a thing.
What thing?
We’re getting read to talk about our 2021 reading goals.

I’ll kick things off –
1: Daily Reading Habit
One of my goals is to start a daily reading habit.
Now you’d think, as a reader, that I already do this. But, I don’t.
Whether I read or not is largely determined by how I feel on any given day. But I plan to change this in 2021 by reading at least 10 pages each day, no matter what.
My hope is that reading becomes as much of my everyday life as say, brushing my teeth, instead of an activitiy that I only do about half the time.
2: Plan Ahead for Reading Slumps
Ah, the dreaded reading slump.
The one where you’re minding your own readery business, then boom, out of nowhere, your entire desire to read dies.
Well, not in 2021, because I have a plan.
When a reading slump hits, I’m going to reread a book I adored, in hopes that revisiting the world, the characters, and whatever else the book has to offer can defibrillate my desire to read, and bring it back to life.
The Nitty Gritty
After 2020’s lessons, I’ve decided not to set a goal for how many books I want to read. The bottom line is that I never reach them, not even close.
From this year forward, I’m keeping the focus on my personal enjoyment, and curiosity, for reading, more than the total number.
But, that doesn’t mean I won’t set micro goals.
I will, in fact.
My plans consist of –
3: Continuing on in at least TWO series that I’ve started.
Currently, I’m in the middle of five, at least.
In 2020, I continued none of these. Tsk Tsk.
And to boot, I already own these books.*face palm*
But in 2021, I will be writing a different story, and telling a different tale.
4: Reading TWO Classics.
In another case of books languishing on my shelves, I own at least 10 classic fiction novels that I’m genuinely interested in.
And by George, I am going to read at least 2 of them this year!
5: Rereading THREE Books.
Is it possible to get as much, or more enjoyment out of a book the second time around? I don’t know but I’m going to find out.
My plan is to reread either: books that I loved, or ones that I did not love but think I could the second time around.
6. Reading THREE Family Sagas
You can blame In West Mills for this one, because it sparked my curiosity for this subgenre. Ah, it’s such a gem.
Anywho, I have my eye on a few titles, so I will be exploring this subgenre in 2021.
That’s All Folks
And there you have it guys, my 2021 reading plans.
So, how about you? What are your reading goals and plans for 2021?
Love, happiness, prosperity, and every good thing to you and yours, in 2021.
All the Best,