How to Hire A Freelancer on Fiverr

Hiring your first freelancer can be overwhelming.

But, it doesn’t have to be.

You might be wondering-

How do I choose the right person? How do I make sure I don’t get scammed? And, how can I have a positive first experience?

I’m going to share the process I used to successfully find, and hire, my first freelancer on Fiverr.

Now, let’s get you on the road to finding one for yourself.

If you already have someone in mind, simply follow these steps to hire them.

How To Find A GOOD Freelancer

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My To Make a Spiral Deco Mesh Wreath, Step-by-Step

Do you want to make a spiral deco mesh wreath but aren’t sure where to begin?

Well, you’ve come to the right place.

I’ll not only share a step-by-step tutorial, but I’ll share an image of each step, so you can see exactly how it should look.

Just so you know, we are going to make a curly mesh wreath (also known as a spiral mesh wreath). So, if this is exactly what you want to make, keep reading.

Here’s an overview –

First, we’ll talk about materials. Then we’ll get into the nitty gritty, which are all of the steps to make the wreath. Finally, we’ll talk about the finishing touches.

For a fun, yet inexpensive project, you can pick up most of these items at your local Dollar Tree. I’ve certainly made some really cute wreaths just using what I’ve found there.

For better quality mesh and a larger color selection, check your local craft store. I’ve gotten deco mesh at Hobby Lobby, and Michaels too!

How to Make A 6 Inch Deco Mesh Wreath, Step by Step With Pictures | A DreamWorks Trolls inspired 6 inch deco mesh wreath made using light and dark pink deco mesh, and green & blue ribbon, with a Poppy doll as the centerpiece.
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3 Falls Shows I Want to Watch

As we inch closer to the beginning of Fall, so do we to the falling of leaves, cooler weather, and the cozy feeling of Autumn.

Do you know what else we’re inching closer towards?

Fall Premieres.

I’ve gotta say, there are a lot of good looking shows premiering, or returning, this Fall.

These are 3 I’m looking forward to –
