Hey Y’all,
It’s book review time!
Today we’re chatting about the Post Apocalyptic, Dystopian novel: The Book of M by Peng Shepherd.
Whew chile, this was rough!
At least, for me, it was.
First, we’ll get into the synopsis, then I’m going to tell you about why this book was a no-go, no-no, for me.
Just so you’ll know, both the synopsis, and the review, are spoiler-free.
Let’s get into it –

One day a man mysteriously loses his shadow.
His memories soon follow.
As the days pass, more people lose their shadows too, along with their memories.
What began as a singular case, quickly turns into a global pandemic.
Widespread chaos follows.
We follow married couple Ory and Max, just after Max has lost her shadow.
Max, not wanting to endanger Ory, because losing your shadow has strange side-effects, flees their home.
Despite a promise they made to one another, he refuses to leave her alone in a world filled with danger, so he goes after her.
::Official synopsis here::
My Thoughts
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